Through Christ, we have the nearness of a gracious God who is sovereignly in control of all circumstances. The things that enter our lives have passed through His generous, merciful, loving hands. We have no reason to fret. We can rest.
A Child Who Won’t Rest And A Restless Heart
Last night I laid down into a tiny space next to a screaming toddler for the 10,000th time.
My son is not a good sleeper (more about that here). I have tried everything. It has been 2 ½ years. I’m perpetually exhausted although surprisingly functional. (It’s amazing what you can get used to!) We have been trying a new form of sleep training that was working for a while but last night he wasn’t having any of it. He was exhausted but he was screaming.
I stumbled into the room and laid down, sleepy myself but unable to rest in that position. I whispered, “I got you buddy.” The way I always do. He reached his little arm around my neck the way he always does and pulled my head close to him. He immediately stopped crying. No residual weeping, no calming down, he just stopped. He does this every single time.
And once again the Lord used motherhood to train my heart.
Rest in the Presence of God
How often do I cry out, weeping and wailing, hoping for some blessing? When the Lord reveals His presence to me, gives me the incredible gift of His nearness, listens to my cries, and lends me His voice in His Word, I continue to wail.
How often am I searching for a blessing from the Lord rather than the Lord Himself? I want this need met, that burden lifted; I want this gift, that relationship healed.
The Lord opens my eyes to sense His presence and I still cry. Rather than rest that the God of all the universe is holding me and my circumstances I scream and moan, hoping for relief from a concern or a new situation all together.
My son is content to reach his little arms around my neck and pull me close. He is happy to hear the words, “I got you.” He just wants my presence. His circumstance hasn’t changed at all but now his mama is with him and everything suddenly seems much better. His crying ceases, he closes his eyes, and he can rest.
I ought to be like him. Even if my circumstances never change, or a situation never eases. Even if a relationship is never healed, a financial burden never lifted, a physical difficulty never removed, I can rest.
Some of my favorite verses in the Scripture come from Matthew 11:28-30 as Jesus is speaking,
“Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yolk upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yolk is easy, and my burden is light.”
Coming to Christ, sensing His presence, feeling His embrace, hearing His voice in His Word, ought to calm my weary soul. As a child reaching for my Father, I should be calmed by His presence. Regardless of whether or not my circumstances change, my God does not (James 1:17). He can be trusted.
Rest Not Based On Circumstance
In reality, all I need is His nearness. My Crohn’s disease may continue to plague me, the sleepless nights of motherhood may seem like they will never end, finances may never be in abundance, my little city may never be sunny, my children may continue to disobey, my house may be perpetually a work in progress, my blog may always have a never ending to-do list, but all of it is ok.
And this is the same for you. Whatever your circumstances may be, God is in control of all of them and He can be trusted.
Through Christ, we have the nearness of a gracious God who is sovereignly in control of all circumstances. The things that enter our lives have passed through His generous, merciful, loving hands. We have no reason to fret. We can rest.
This morning when I woke up I was reminded of that sweet boy with his tight grasp on my neck as I opened the Scriptures. Oh to love the voice of my Savior in His Word as He whispers to my soul, “I got you.”
“When I fear my faith will fail
Christ will hold me fast
When the tempter would prevail
He will hold me fast
I could never keep my hold
Through life’s fearful path
For my love is often cold
He must hold me fast”
~ Ada Habershonnew
This such a beautiful and m uch needed reminder for me to be content in Jesus’ presence. Thank you for sharing, even amidst the tiredness and stress non-sleeping children can bring 🙂
I’m so very thankful that this was of encouragement to you!!! Thank you for stopping by!
Gorgeous. I needed this.
I’m so glad! I needed the reminder too!
Beautiful reminder of completely resting in Him. Loved the illustration with your son wrapping his arm around your neck. Thank you for this.
Thank you for the encouragement! I’m so glad it was a blessing to you! <3
What a stunning reminder of that sweet moment of “I’ve got you.” What hope His gentle whisper speaks to our soul. How profound is it that that God who cares of all the big things, cares about all our big and little things. Thank you for sharing this!
How amazing is that?! The God of the universe cares intimately about us, our situations, and our feelings! A beautiful reminder <3