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Women who put effort into building community rightly have a special beauty. This is what it looks like to be her!

 bible with glasses with text overlay what it looks like to be a woman who builds community

The Beauty of a Woman Who Works at Building Community

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will be full of warm welcome. It may not come easily to her as experience, circumstance, and even personality can stand as challenges to overcome but there will be a desire for and a growth in warm welcome that extends the welcome of Christ (Romans 15:7).

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will consider others more important than herself (Philippians 2:3). She will showcase this by looking “also to the interest of others” (Philippians 2:4). She will rejoice in opportunities to be inconvenienced, understanding that these inconveniences are gifts from the gracious hand of God that desires a heart of compassion and mercy (Luke 10:25-37).

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will be hospitable. She will seek to swing wide the doors of heart and home. Her neighborhood will find respite within the walls of her home. Her church will find refuge in the conversation and encouragement she offers.

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will be generous. She will willingly give of her resources for the good of others and the glory of Christ. This woman will be filled with generosity of time, talent, and money. She will consider it a joy to share with others.

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will not allow divisive or cruel speech in her presence. She will uplift others, weep with them, and rejoice with them. She will maintain confidences whenever safe to do so. She will be quick to praise and slow to criticize.

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will be prayerful. She will seek information about others so that she is able to bring them before the throne of grace, never for the purpose of slander. She will pray for opportunities to make an impact and to be impacted. She will pray for community growth and for others to gain a similar passion.

She will love the church and seek to ensure everyone finds the welcome of Christ when they encounter His body.

She will forsake cliques and will instead seek that her close relationships build up the greater community.

She will look for ways to bless others.

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will be willing to call out sin in other believers’ lives. She will not desire the false unity that comes with issues not dealt with but will seek reconciliation and genuinely holy living.

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will not be afraid of someone else calling her out. She will seek those relationships which will encourage truth telling, believing holiness of more importance than comfort.

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will seek opportunities to bring others into the community of faith by sharing the gospel and living in an attractive manner. She will believe in the power of the gospel and will seek the boldness and gentleness the Holy Spirit gives.

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will live a life truly dedicated to grace.

A woman who is truly dedicated to building community will live a life truly dedicated to Christ.

Related: Inspiration for Why You Should Bother with Hospitality

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Grace For Community Building

Is that what your life looks like? That certainly isn’t a description of my life, though I wish it was!

Instead my life is often filled with the pride that makes inviting people into my real, messy life feel difficult and makes receiving honest critique feel like an attack. My life is often filled with selfishness and frustration at inconvenience and too much concern for my to-do list.

And this is the beauty in that – Christ is sufficient; we don’t have to be. We strive to live holy lives, dedicated to Christ and the community He would have us building. We recognize our own faults and challenges, we confess them to the Lord and we seek the help of our brothers and sisters. We embrace our differences, forsake our sins, and seek to grow together toward Christ.

Related: Grace In Imperfect Hospitality

We have an opportunity to pursue holiness and welcome together. We can prayerfully seek the good of our community and do so with confidence that God can and will work through even our feeble efforts.

May God be glorified in our weakness as we reveal His strength (2 Corinthians 12:9)

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