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It is hard to choose only 6 books to recommend when so many have impacted my life for good and fashioned my heart into what it is becoming. Scripture filled books have worked in my life for years as the Lord has grown my theology and its practicality in my life.

I am working through 3 phenomenal Christian books right now but because I have not yet finished them I didn’t want to include them in this list. Another list may be popping up soon!

One thing you will notice about this list is that it is not only books geared specifically for women. While I truly believe that there are many good books geared directly for women (and 2 show up on this list!), we can gain insight and direction from books geared toward anyone and it is limiting if we only focus on books by women for women.

So, you’re saying “Get on with it Katie! What are the books you recommend anyway?”

Here goes…6 great books for christian women

1. What Is the Gospel?

This little book by Greg Gilbert is a phenomenal start. Gilbert’s discussion of the Gospel is an in-depth look at what the Lord has accomplished on our behalf. It is Christ-exalting and transformative.

Maybe you are thinking, “but I’m already a Christian Katie. I don’t need that book.” If so, you are incorrect. We do not graduate from the Gospel. The same Gospel that transformed our hearts at conversion, continues to transform our hearts today. This little book will help you love it even more. In addition, if you have ever lacked confidence in your ability to communicate the Gospel clearly, this book is for you.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is simple and yet profound. We have recommended or given this book to so many people! Actually this was the gift my husband gave to the groomsmen in our wedding! Take time to read it!

  1. A Gospel Primer for Christians: Learning to See the Glories of God’s Love

This amazing little book first found itself in my Amazon cart by recommendation of Gloria Furman while I was reading one of her books (forgive me, I can’t remember which one – they are all great!). It is a beautiful compilation of Gospel thoughts. I honestly think this is one I will return to time after time.

After listing reasons to rehearse the Gospel daily, Vincent turns to reiterating the Gospel in two unique ways to minister to our spirits. He encourages us to preach this beautiful truth to ourselves daily and then shows us what we are to be encouraging ourselves with.

He tells the story of the Gospel by writing an essay of sorts and a poem. Both are profoundly beautiful and will at different times encourage you in different ways.

The list of short “reasons” to preach the Gospel that Vincent gives has changed my thinking so much! This little book offers incredible hope to the Christian.

  1. All of Grace

There is a reason Spurgeon was called the “Prince of Preachers!” His words echo truth with power and clarity. Similar to What is the Gospel, Spurgeon digs deep in the transformative truth of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.

Spurgeon writes with a beauty and depth rarely found. I worked my way through this book for months. It is a small book but every page I read gave me reason to stop and meditate. I could hardly read more than 1 page a day because I had to think about the beauty he was showing me.

I can promise this will be of profound encouragement to your heart if you take the time to invest yourself in it.

  1. What Is a Healthy Church Member?

The ministry of 9Marks has impacted the church in our day in ways I don’t think we will ever be able to calculate (What is the Gospel is another of their books). All of the books they have produced that I have had the privilege to read have impacted me greatly and increased my love for God and His people.

This little book is no exception. In it, Thabiti Anyabwile discusses what it means to be a healthy church member and takes the big concepts of church down to the individual people included in that. We each play a specific role in the people of God and through this book Anyabwile speaks to what that role is supposed to look like and how we can build up the Body.

As Christians, we must love the people of God (1 John 4:20) and be with them (Hebrew 10:25). Church membership is of vital importance (check out this simple article by 9Marks). You and your church will be blessed if you dig into this small book!6 must read books for christian women

  1. Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds

How to study the Bible. This book by Jen Wilkin is written specifically for women but not because the way women study the Scriptures is different from the way men do but because not many books address this topic in an approachable way for women.

Jen Wilkin teaches women how to dig deep in the text of Scripture. She shows us the beauty of knowing and loving Christ in His Word.

Unlike many books like it for women, Wilkin presents a high view of God and His Word, challenging us to know Him because as she says “The heart cannot love what the mind does not know!”

If you have ever wanted to go deeper in your understanding of Scripture (and I hope you have!), this is the book for you. Grab a friend, read it together, and then start implementing her techniques!

  1. Made for More: An Invitation to Live in God’s Image

This was a game changer for me! Hannah Anderson explores the theme of identity and the error in finding it in anything other than being an image bearer of our God. She radically changed my thinking, showed me a better way, and taught me to glorify and love Christ better in this book.

Anderson discusses women’s history over the last 100 years or so and how we have tried to formulate an identity in the wrong place and then she shows us the freedom of finding our purpose, worth, and identity in being an image bearer of God!

If you are looking for hope in your personhood or purpose beyond the roles you play, the things on your to-do list, and the trite statements Christians often make to help you feel better, this book is for you.


Other Recommendations

Each of these 6 books has impacted my life tremendously and I cannot recommend them highly enough to you! They are all profoundly beautiful and give grace to the hearer (Ephesians 4:29). Take time to sit under their instruction. You will be blessed.

If you are looking for other recommendations, check out
Hospitality in Conversion: A Review of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Butterfield
“Adoption Isn’t Charity, It’s War!” Review of Adopted for Life by Russell Moore

Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts? What other recommendations would you give? There are so many to choose from!