Gospel Help for Hosting

Practical Help for Hosting


Get your questions answered so that you can make hospitality and cultivating community a reality every day.

Your Questions: Answered!

Practical Tools

You are probably here because you want to host. You see the importance of hospitality in the Bible and you want to be obedient to God’s call on your life. But, you also know you don’t have everything figured out.

There are parts about hospitality that are still a little intimidating for you as you wrestle through what it really looks like to cultivate community.

You want practical solutions to everyday problems. You want to know which gatherings to host and how to go about that. You want to know what’s necessary and what’s not. You want someone to hold your hand and walk you through what is potentially a very challenging situation.

Biblical hospitality doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. Though, in our increasingly individualized culture, we often view it that way. Biblical hospitality is about extending the welcome of Christ to those around us. It’s about opening the door to our real lives and loving others well through them.

But, if we are honest. Hospitality isn’t only about being willing to open the door. There are some details that need to be considered, some practical things that need to be done. We will cover those things here.

But, one of my BIG aims is to spark your own creativity. You may hear my ideas and think they sound great but your context is unique and so are the people around you. What works for me will probably need to be adjusted to work for you. Embrace that.

God has placed YOU, not me, in your home with your church and your neighbors and your friends. Your journey doesn’t need to look like mine.

Here, you will find a lot of practical help that I hope you will always feel the freedom to change using your own God-given creativity for His glory.

Let’s dive in!

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